Wednesday, January 19, 2011


           Nowadays,activities smoking become to bad in the world,this activities occrur on  each person,chienese,indian also malay people.Their more likely smoking compare doing anything activities that can give good effect to their body,For smoking people,smoking have many negative effect when thir always smoking.
          Firstly,the negative effects of smoking to person is,person may get any disease that can give their body,example that always occrur is heart attact.people that has this disease need care thier food also drink for control their body to become normal person.
         Secondly,the negative effects is,person can loss many moneys when their buy the ciggarates,the money people can spent to any thing that can give benefit.example,save their money at bank each money.revenues from money that their uses to buy ciggarates.
        Lastly,the negative effects of smoking is,can give air polution in the country,it can give bad effects to other person also person that cannot smoking.example,the smoke can give bad effects to person that just see and seat same with person that smoking.

        In conclusion,to person that smoking,can stop smoking to give good effect to their body for always fine with yourself,after that person can save their money from buy the ciggarates.



            Nowadays,sum technological in world more advanced diference at the time past.The technological that cannot good can give bad effect to person if they wrong uses this technological,the example the negative effects of facebook.their are many negative effect of facebook.

            Firstly,the negative effects of facebook for student person,if they more happy with facebook,their can forget their homework that teacher or lecturer give aand need to submit quickly.At the same time,if their cannot control time to play facebook or on facebook,maybe their always late sleep,because just online to midnight,when going to the class,their cannot focus and half person come to class and sleep.

           Secondly,the negative effects of facebook for our person,it can give bad effect to person when always online the facebooks,example person gullible with other person when to meet the other person on facebook,people cannot trust other people 100% on facebook,it's very dangers to person.

          Thirdly,the negative effects of facebook for each person,that person can get that,person cannot do anything work when always online this facebook,also can give bad effect to person for focus work that needeed to settel.

          In conclusion,person can uses this facebook,but their must excellent to manage the time when really nedeed,for their cannot carlees on their life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

my memorable vacation.

A vacation a time of relax . I really enjoy vacation because I don’t think about
study or any other problems.especially time holidays school. When I went on the cruise it was fun I have ever had
on vacation. In the following paragraphs I’ll tell why it was my most memorable
vacation. Vacation- a period of time to relax, a period of time used for oneself.

My family and I went on a cruise and it turned out to be the most memorable
vacation. I did things I have never done before, it was very exciting. It was a cool
Sunday morning when we arrived at the Australia.When saw the Cruise
Ship, I stood in awe admiring it’s beauty. The ship was going to leave at 4:00 p.m.,
but we got there early to unpack and become familiar with the ship. We set sail for
Cancun on schedule. My brother were on the ship running around and getting into
trouble. In Cancun we want shopping and bargaining ( to try get lower price on
souvenirs ). all those experiences made the trip memorable. The most memorable
part of trip was the island of Couzamel. My brother and I went snorkeling with sting
rays. after about 15 minuets I enjoyed the presence of the sting rays. I got the
opportunity to pick up a sting ray with my hand. Snorkeling was a very exciting
experience. You would think sting rays were vicious and try to sting you but, they
are real gentle. Seeing how much fun my brother and my dad, the beautiful water
and most of all the sting rays was the best time I ever had.
Vacation- a period of time to relax, a period of time used for oneself.